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Wiki Rules[]
- When contributing to the wiki, we suggest you edit with a fandom account. This is more to your benefit than anyone else's as editing whilst not logged in exposes your IP address. Once you have edited whilst unlogged in, your edit will be in the page's history. Admins cannot delete history backlogs, so we will not be able to delete your edit and hide your IP address. If you don't have an account, you can sign up here.
- Be respectful and mature. We want this community to be a friendly and positive site and we expect users to be just and civil. Creating discussion posts that you know will deliberately cause disruption or will result in fights will get you banned. This also goes for posting hurtful hate comments targeting specific members or users.
- Only upload official content. Uploading fan-site pictures or videos are not permitted. Official content posted by official NewJeans accounts is the only sort of images/videos that should be uploaded here. This rule also goes for when editing certain pages. Please keep your own opinions to yourself and not on official pages here. Although we are an unofficial fanbase site, we still want to relay truthful and factual information about NewJeans to the public.
- Do not vandalise. Coming onto this site and purposefully messing with pages will get you permanently banned.
- And lastly, have fun! This is a community and we want it to be a fun and positive place for NewJeans fans to come together.
Username | Roles | Tenure | Status |
Therubyplanet | Bureaucrat, Administrator | July 11, 2022 | Active |
ScreamingOctaHedron | Bureaucrat, Administrator | May 13, 2023 | Active |
Akihsulkaz | Content Moderator, Administrator | July 21, 2022-Aug 25, 2022 | Inactive |
LilyGreen44 | Administrator | Sep 9-10, 2022 | Inactive |
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